Donate Now

more than
Otago children and their families

Every year we support more than 2,200 tamariki across Otago.

Your donation means we can provide parents and caregivers with positive choices to build a better future for their babies, children, and young people.


Anglican Family Care is a registered Charity. All donations over $5.00 will be provided with a receipt for tax purposes.

Online donation

You can donate directly online by completing the form below using your credit/debit card. You may select a one-off donation or regular monthly giving.

  • $20

    a supermarket voucher for a family's grocery bill
  • $50

    a respite caregiver for a night
  • $100

    a whānau worker to visit a family in their home
  • $200

    play therapy sessions for a child who is experiencing trauma
  • Another Amount

Internet banking

Donate to Anglican Family Care, BNZ 02 0912 0018828 07. Please use the reference "donation" and your name.

Thank you for your donation.
Every time you donate, you make a positive difference to Otago whānau.