Thank you for your support

By Beth Stitely | Posted: Monday June 8, 2015

We would like to thank everyone who has responded to our request to help replenish food, toiletries and cleaning supplies at the Food Bank. We especially want to thank New World for their generous contribution to this effort.

The recent flood in Dunedin has affected numerous families who continue to struggle with the damage and aftermath. Many of these families already face a tight budget so replacing  lost items can be especially challenging. It forces them to make financial cuts elsewhere and, unfortunately, it's the food budget that often takes the hit.

But thanks to the generous donations of our supporters, we were able to fill three large shopping carts at New World.  We got lots of looks from shoppers who were curious as to what we were doing.  On our shopping trip, we were able to purchase many items that aren't typically donated such as cleaning supplies and laundry detergent. 

We especially want to thank the staff at Centre City New World and Braedan Trompetter (Manager) for making our shopping experience such a delight. 

We'd also like to all the other individuals, churches and organisations who have so kindly donated food, bedding and other items for people in need following the flood event.  Some of these donations have come from afar afield as Alexandra,  Oamaru and Christchurch. 

We still need  help to get our Food Bank re-stocked. If you or someone you know would like to contribute, donations can be dropped off at Anglican Family Care (266 Hanover Street) Monday - Thursday,  9 am -4:30 pm and Friday,  10:30 am -4:30 pm. Thank you!

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