
Anglican Family Care Annual General Meeting

We would like to invite you to our 2019 Annual General Meeting to hear about the work we have done in the last year to support more than 2,000 Otago children and their families. Wednesday 18 September from 5pm

Posted: Friday August 30, 2019

Sign up to receive our seasonal newsletter by email

Go into the draw to win this gorgeous organic beauty pamper pack; gifted by our friends at ‘Only Good’.

Posted: Monday June 17, 2019

Look how excited wee Nyxzin from Central Otago is to receive a warm jersey and hat!

Looks like teddy will be well-loved!!!

Posted: Monday June 17, 2019

Designer Clothes Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported our recent Designer Clothes Fundraiser

Posted: Monday June 17, 2019

Thank You

A special thank you to the following Trusts for recent grants:

Posted: Monday June 17, 2019

Play Therapy

"You can discover more about a child in a hour of play than you can in a lifetime of conversation." - Plato

Posted: Monday June 17, 2019

Celebrating 25 years of service at Anglican Family Care

In this edition, we are celebrating 25 years of service with Jackie and Kathy, who both started working for AFC in 1994. This is a huge milestone and they both took some time to reflect on their careers and the changes they have seen over this time.

Posted: Monday June 17, 2019

Family Start Book List

The following books will help our social workers support parents in their parenting delivery and their child's learning experience:

Posted: Monday June 10, 2019

Our designer clothes fundraiser is all go!

Hosted by The Wardrobe (203 King Edward Street), there's something for everyone.

Posted: Monday April 29, 2019

Message from the General Manager, Mike Williams

I would like to acknowledge the significant contribution that my predecessor, Nicola Taylor made to the agency and the Otago community in her 15 years as Director of Anglican Family Care. I also thank the board and staff for their support as I transition into the General Manager role.

Posted: Friday March 22, 2019

Save The Date

We are planning a designer clothes fundraiser, in association with The Wardrobe, 203 King Edward Street, South Dunedin

Posted: Friday March 22, 2019

Thank you

We are extremely grateful for the funding we receive from our dedicated donors, supporters and community partners.

Posted: Thursday March 14, 2019

New Faces At Anglican Family Care

Our new Fundraising, Marketing and Communications Team, Donna and Sarah started just three days apart at the end of January.

Posted: Thursday March 14, 2019

Could You Be A Caregiver?

Do you want to help Dunedin families in need of support?

Posted: Thursday March 14, 2019

Spreading Kindness at Christmas

Shirley Mills loves to help out at Christmas

Posted: Thursday March 14, 2019

Jade Speaks Up! A New Zealand pilot programme funded by ACC for students in Year 5 to Year 8 is delivered in five low-decile Dunedin schools.

Social Workers in Schools (SWiS) is a dedicated community social work service supporting children who are experiencing issues that are affecting their performance in school and home behaviour. These include grief and loss, transitions and change, anxiety, recognising their feelings and relationships with their peers.

Posted: Monday March 4, 2019

The AFC Wish List

From time to time we are asked if there is anything specific that we need extra help with.

Posted: Monday March 4, 2019

The AFC Wish List (Winter edition)

From time to time we are asked if there is anything specific that we need extra help with.

Posted: Monday March 4, 2019

The AFC Wish List (Spring edition)

The following resources will help our social workers support parents in their parenting delivery and their child's learning experience:

Posted: Monday March 4, 2019

Finding a positive way forward

One of the services we offer is Restorative Justice, which is the process of bringing together victims of crime and their offenders to discuss the impact of the crime, repair the harm and find a positive way forward.

Posted: Thursday November 22, 2018