
White Ribbon Riders Say No to Family Violence

Riding their Harley motorcycles to raise awareness, the bikers arrived at The Warehouse Café in South Dunedin for breakfast this morning ready to make some noise. This group is touring New Zealand over a period of about nine days with the agenda of getting people to talk about family violence. The White Ribbon Ride occurs every November when riders pick up support throughout towns in the North and South Islands.

Posted: Monday November 23, 2015

Not Letting the Holidays Put You into Debt

This is the time of year when many families overspend and end up in financial debt. Oftentimes the true realisation of their situation comes too late as fees and interest have already accumulated. Anglican Family Care’s Budget Advisor, Fiona, says that families can stop the cycle of debt and have a more enjoyable Christmas.

Posted: Sunday November 15, 2015

Big Value Christmas is Priceless

Anglican Family Care was one of several organisations who participated in the Big Value Christmas. In its second year, the event proved successful once again as families and children gathered to make crafts, exchange gifts and spend some fun time together.

Posted: Sunday November 15, 2015

A Christmas to Look Forward To

It’s encouraging to see those who are facing the holiday with uplifted spirits and a renewed sense of hope. 

Posted: Sunday November 15, 2015

The Gift of Helping Others

The spirit of giving thrives this season as volunteers from Cadbury spend a day helping others.

Posted: Friday November 6, 2015

'It’s Not OK' Campaign Against Family Violence

'It’s Not Ok' is a national campaign that aims to reduce and prevent family violence by changing the attitudes of society. Jane Hutton, Anglican Family Care Team Leader of South and Central Otago, has been instrumental in bringing this campaign to the community of Balclutha. She’s eager to raise awareness of this social issue and to get people talking. 

Posted: Wednesday October 21, 2015

Michelle's Story

Michelle* became a client  of Anglican Family Care  when her physician made a referral with regards to her son and his behaviour. However, after working with Anglican Family Care social worker Jackie for some time, it became apparent that there was more going on in the home than a young child’s behavioural issues. Jackie recognised this and promptly stepped in to ask the right questions at the right time. As it turned out, Michelle was living with a violent man who was abusive and controlling.

Posted: Tuesday October 20, 2015

Bird Mosaic Ready to Take Flight

Elle Brittain is excited to help her students create mosaics of New Zealand birds. Both Elle and her students participate in Anglican Family Care’s Social Workers in Schools Programme at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti. The project they're currently working on is called ‘Tiakina te Taiao, Tiakina I a Tātou Katoa: Looking After the Environment, Looking After Us All’. This project seeks to explore strategies of how students can look after themselves as well as others. 

Posted: Monday October 5, 2015

St Hilda’s School is Living out their Faith

St Hilda’s Collegiate School has made the commitment to help those less fortunate in our community. Together with Anglican Family Care, they are keen to address local needs and concerns. 

Posted: Saturday October 3, 2015

Cadbury Choc Art of Creativity Workshops

Anglican Family Care participated in the Cadbury Carnival’s, Choc Art of Creativity workshops during the second week of the July school holidays. The Choc Art workshops provided chocolate opportunities galore for children (and adults alike!).  Participants were able to paint with chocolate, make chocolate moulds, decorate a giant cookie and then wrap it all up in a chocolate bowl.

Posted: Friday October 2, 2015

Food Bank Shortages - Can you help? 

Can you please help us restock our shelves for families in need? The food Bank is currently in short supply of the following items: 

Posted: Thursday September 24, 2015

Anglican Family Care Welcomes New Board Member, Kyle Forde

Kyle Forde grew up in Dunedin and is intimately familiar with our city. He has a strong desire to help those in need and envisions great possibilities for our community that would enhance the lives of those most in need.

Posted: Sunday August 23, 2015

Firewood for Families Appeal

Hi Everyone, as you well know we’ve had several requests from our client families for firewood this winter. In response to this need,  we have launched an appeal via our facebook and givealittle pages.  We're looking to raise about $1,000. 

Posted: Thursday August 13, 2015

Thank You for Your Support!

Thanks to your support, our Movie Night Fundraising Event raised over $6,000! All proceeds will support children and families in Otago. We'd like to give a special thanks to the following individuals and organisations who made this event possible.....

Posted: Friday July 3, 2015

A 'Family Start' Success Story

In July,  Family Start  will celebrate its 15th year anniversary with Anglican Family Care. To mark this special occasion we’d like to share the story of one Mum who went through the programme, developed life-long skills and confidence, and is now helping other Mums in our community. 

Posted: Tuesday June 16, 2015

You Can Make A Difference

Recently we sent out a Thank You letter expressing our appreciation for a supporter. We wanted to make sure our donor knew  her contribution was making a difference and helping local families here in Otago....  Will you make a difference today?

Posted: Friday June 12, 2015

Thank you for your support

We would like to thank everyone who has responded to our request to help replenish food, toiletries and cleaning supplies at the Food Bank. We especially want to thank New World for their generous contribution to this effort.

Posted: Monday June 8, 2015

Beating the Odds

Jess is a confident young Mum who’s proud of her hard work and accomplishments. She’s come a long way on a difficult road but has a  positive outlook for her future.  Jess credits her success to the support she found through Anglican Family Care’s Family Start Programme. 

Posted: Saturday March 14, 2015

Volunteer Profile — Pat Moyle

Pat Moyle has been with Anglican Family Care since 2010. She came on board at the suggestion of a friend and has been a regular and faithful volunteer ever since.

Posted: Wednesday March 11, 2015