Food Bank Shortages - Can you help?
By Belinda Le Lievre | Posted: Thursday September 24, 2015
Can you please help us restock our shelves for families in need? The food Bank is currently in short supply of the following items:
- Toiletries – soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant,
toothpaste and brushes, razors.
- Laundry powder
- Sandwich spreads – e.g. Peanut butter, Marmite, Jam,
- Lunch box items – e.g., muesli and fruit bars, cheese and
crackers, pottles of yoghurt, Up & Go, fruit jellies, small packets of
crisps, small fruit juices.
- Large size nappies (above crawler size).
- Household cleaners and detergents.
Any donations gratefully received at Anglican Family Care, 266 Hanover Street, during office hours, Monday - Friday 10.30 - 4.30. Thanks for your support