By Beth Stitely | Posted: Saturday October 3, 2015
St Hilda’s Collegiate School has made the commitment to help those less fortunate in our community. Together with Anglican Family Care, they are keen to address local needs and concerns.
St Hilda’s is achieving their goal of helping local families by making donations and offerings to those in need. “Our offering is part of the Eucharist Service", says Gillian Townsley, Chaplain at St. Hilda's, "It's one way we can bring our faith to life. Our relationship with Anglican Family Care is helping to open eyes to poverty and need within our own community.” Most recently the school has donated over three carloads of items to the Anglican Family Care Food Bank. This was done in response to the increased demand on the Food Bank services stemming from the recent flood in South Dunedin.
Learning about those in need in our community has also inspired the girls at St Hilda’s to take action. After hearing an Anglican Family Care social worker speak, the girls felt led to sew blankets and toys for Dunedin families that are struggling financially. The project and results were so successful that the teachers have decided to make it part of the annual curriculum. “Sewing blankets and baby items allowed the girls to look outside themselves. They were able to understand the need in our community and felt that they were making a real difference,” comments Gillian.
Faith plays a significant role in St. Hilda’s character and actions. “A Christian school is not only about going to Chapel but about living out your faith in Christ. It’s about demonstrating Christian values including social justice, caring for others and compassion,” says Gillian. Anglican Family Care is grateful for the support received from St. Hilda’s and is thankful to be part of the school’s culture and social education.