Tēnā Koutou Katoa

By Anglican Family Care | Posted: Monday November 20, 2023

In this issue, we share two inspirational stories from our rural teams; Sophie, a young mum was referred to our Family Start Programme in North Otago. She shares how she got through her pregnancy and those crucial early stages of her baby daughter’s development, despite mental health challenges and being isolated from whānau. And Michelle from Wanaka, a parent of two boys, talks about her experience and how our rural team in Central Otago, supported her to overcome her son’s anxiety and integrate him back into school by applying strategies she learned through the Circle of Security Parenting Programme.

A significant highlight for this year was the gifting of Te Mauri ō te Paerangi, “The Lifeforce of the Conversation at the Horizon” to the agency by kaumātua Monty and Mere Montgomery. The taonga is a valuable gift, as it signifies the partnership between tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti, the journey we are taking together. We humbly share the gifting of this waka huia inside this edition.

Finally, on behalf of our kaimahi, we THANK YOU for your support of our work and wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. Meri Kirihimete.
